jNotes overview
jNotes is a Java desktop application for personal information management. jNotes helps you to organize
your personal diaries, schedule events and plan your projects.
jNotes user interface is based on a
calendar metaphor. All items of your data are associated with calendar dates. You use
the calendar interface to navigate through the diary notes, events groups and project
to-do tasks.
Keep your diaries
jNotes has a simple text editor, similar to
MS Notepad (see the screenshot). You use it to editing your
diary notes. You can create a number of thematic notes collections
(aka Books). With jNotes export features you can publish your notes into
various formats (with pluggable export filters). A plain text and HTML
export are supported by default.
Also you can use the jNotes editor to working with any plain text files, i.e. just like a Notepad.
Schedule your events
This feature will help you to plan
your personal events. You set a number of daytime-based events and jNotes
will remind you in time. jNotes has a special "minimal" start mode to
watching for events time. If you aren't going to work with jNotes but want to get
the events notifications, you can start that mode,
requires a minimal amount of system resources.
Plan your personal projects
You can plan your tasks and organize it in a
number of parallel project workflows. You define the project timebounds and place the to-do
checklists for days inside that timebounds. When a task is done, you
mark it in a list. jNotes automatically calculates and shows a
percent of project execution. You can associate the events with to-do tasks
and get remindings about them.
Other features
- XML is native format for jNotes data.
- If you're familiar with XML, you can access to jNotes data through common XML API's like as DOM and SAX, make your own export filters with XSLT and so on.
- Say no for Ctrl+S!
- You shouldn't care about regularly saving the data changes. All entered data will stored in background every time when you change the date or quit jNotes.
- Easy L10N
- You can change all program labels, menus, messages and generated text without changing and rebuilding a source code. All what you need is to create "property" text file with messages for your language. jNotes will automatically choose a messages file appropriated for system locale (see Users guide, Appendix A).
Refer to Users guide to get a more detailed information about usage of jNotes.