jNotes overview

jNotes is a Java desktop application for personal information management. jNotes helps you to organize your personal diaries, schedule events and plan your projects.

jNotes user interface is based on a calendar metaphor. All items of your data are associated with calendar dates. You use the calendar interface to navigate through the diary notes, events groups and project to-do tasks.

Keep your diaries

jNotes has a simple text editor, similar to MS Notepad (see the screenshot). You use it to editing your diary notes. You can create a number of thematic notes collections (aka Books). With jNotes export features you can publish your notes into various formats (with pluggable export filters). A plain text and HTML export are supported by default.

Also you can use the jNotes editor to working with any plain text files, i.e. just like a Notepad.

Schedule your events

This feature will help you to plan your personal events. You set a number of daytime-based events and jNotes will remind you in time. jNotes has a special "minimal" start mode to watching for events time. If you aren't going to work with jNotes but want to get the events notifications, you can start that mode, requires a minimal amount of system resources.

Plan your personal projects

You can plan your tasks and organize it in a number of parallel project workflows. You define the project timebounds and place the to-do checklists for days inside that timebounds. When a task is done, you mark it in a list. jNotes automatically calculates and shows a percent of project execution. You can associate the events with to-do tasks and get remindings about them.

Other features

XML is native format for jNotes data.
If you're familiar with XML, you can access to jNotes data through common XML API's like as DOM and SAX, make your own export filters with XSLT and so on.

Say no for Ctrl+S!
You shouldn't care about regularly saving the data changes. All entered data will stored in background every time when you change the date or quit jNotes.

Easy L10N
You can change all program labels, menus, messages and generated text without changing and rebuilding a source code. All what you need is to create "property" text file with messages for your language. jNotes will automatically choose a messages file appropriated for system locale (see Users guide, Appendix A).

Refer to Users guide to get a more detailed information about usage of jNotes.

© 2002-2003 Alex Alishevskikh alex@openmechanics.net